©2024 Edo State Government

EDOGIS Launches New Online Mapping Application for Citizens

Edo State Geographic Information Service (EDOGIS) is excited to announce the launch of its new online mapping application, which provides citizens with easy access to geographic information about the state. The application, known as EDOGIS Maps, allows users to explore various layers of geographic data, including land use, infrastructure, and environmental features.

“We are thrilled to launch EDOGIS Maps, which represents a significant step forward in our efforts to provide citizens with access to valuable geographic information,” said Mr. John Doe, Director of EDOGIS. “This application will empower citizens to make informed decisions about land use, planning, and development in Edo State.”

The EDOGIS Maps application features an intuitive interface that allows users to easily navigate and explore different layers of geographic data. Users can view detailed maps of land use patterns, road networks, and natural features, as well as access information about property boundaries and land ownership.

In addition to its mapping capabilities, EDOGIS Maps also provides users with access to important information about land administration processes, including how to register land titles, obtain certificates of occupancy, and pay land use charges. The application also includes a feedback mechanism that allows users to provide input and suggestions for improving the application.

“We believe that EDOGIS Maps will be a valuable resource for citizens, government officials, and other stakeholders who are interested in land administration and planning in Edo State,” said Mr. Doe. “We encourage everyone to explore the application and see how it can benefit them.”

To access EDOGIS Maps, please visit [link to the application]. For more information about EDOGIS and its services, please visit [link to the EDOGIS website].

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